Friday, November 11, 2005

New Zane pictures!

I'm posting some of the most recent Zane pictures! I'll try to recap the last few months, with a few highlights...
  • got lots of awesome stuff for our new house at our wedding showers... I now own a red Kitchen Aid mixer, I can die happy now!
  • I went to the Coldplay concert in Dallas with Allison... it was a wonderful concert experience! and it reminded me of how much I want to be in a band someday
  • I've written about 100 thank you notes thus far... and still counting!
  • I've addressed over 215 invitations and still counting (please let me know if you didn't get one)
  • I've had bridal pictures taken and I'm starting to feel like a real bride
  • we've gone from 9 weeks to 5 weeks until the wedding, ay yi yi! There's still so much to do
  • I've managed to continue passing my medical school classes, by the grace of God, and some intense cramming
  • My family and Stephen's family have finally all met, and they all get along very well, which is fabulous news

I guess that's about it. My life hasn't been very exciting lately, just very busy and hectic with fairly mundane stuff! I hope all is well.


Blogger Heather said...

Whoa, Emily!! A new post! So good to see you a few weekends ago, hope you enjoy your presents (hehe). 5 weeks! Good luck girl!

11:07 AM  

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