Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Die another day...

I'm sure I'll face tougher tests in my life and I'm not necessarily looking forward to those days, but it is nice to have this first one under my belt and out of the way! I added up all the ones I wasn't sure about and I think I passed... Now let the vacation begin! I'll be leaving for NYC on Friday to visit Kimmy and I'll be back on Monday. Then class starts again on Thursday. So I guess I'm about 3 weeks away from starting my surgery rotation... ay yi yi! I think I probably should start studying right now... but I won't, I've got nothing left. Thanks so much for all the thoughts and prayers, I think it will be 3 months or so before I have and kind of results in my hand; but I have a feeling I'll have plenty to do to keep my mind off the anticipation. :)

I'll be sure to take (way too many) pictures and post some of the highlights. I'm really looking forward to buying some good books to read for my plane, cab rides and lazy days, etc... so if you have any suggestions, please let me know! Or if you have any NYC needs...

I'm brain dead, so I'm off to be to regenerate and to get some much-needed beauty sleep!


Blogger Heather said...

Its over!! Woohoo! I'm sure you did fabulously. (is that a word?)

Have a BLAST in NYC. One of these days I'm gonna go (and soon, cause my cousins just moved to NY).

7:40 AM  

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