Sunday, June 26, 2005

My last day being a 22-year-old...

Hello all! I'd just like to point out the injustice of having to be in school on my birthday... this has never happened before in the history of my educational career. Why? Because school should NEVER last throughout the summer; having summers off is supposed to be a perk, enticing you to continue your education! Oh well, at least we don't have to take a test on my birthday, there is some justice in medical school.

Now for my exciting news... Stephen gave me a blue iPod mini for my birthday (see picture below... the one on the left)! Isn't he the best ever?! Ialmost died when I opened it... music and blue in the same package?! That's how you spell bliss my friends. I almost couldn't believe it. I'm totally stoked about having music with me wherever I go now. The only downside is that this gift could be bad for my study habits this week... it already has been in fact. Perhaps if they kick me out of school for shirking my studying duties for portable music bliss I can begin my career in iPod commercials... or finally break into an e-bay commercial or something. Other birthday fantasies include: a haircut, a facial, iPod accessories, any sort of music item, another 4 weeks added to my summer break and/or a Batmobile. (I absolutely loved "Batman Begins" by the way; I've seen it twice already.)

Well, I supposed I should mosey on back over to my studies... the time has come, I shall procrastinate no more. I hope everyone is having a great summer and comes to visit me while I have "nothing" to do after July 1st! Peace out.

Happy Music-filled Birthday to me! Posted by Hello


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