Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Happy Valentine's day to all! My day started out badly, with our last Cardiopulmonary exam, which thanks to some fun and interesting parties (who shall remain nameless) was very difficult since I hadn't been super diligent the preceding week. Oh well! Stephen brought me some pink roses before school, which made my day and make my apartment smell so good! Later in the afternoon I received some flower from my parents. It felt like I'd won the flower lottery, I never get flowers! Unfortunately, I believe the poor flower guy was traumatized when I answered the door fresh out of the shower, no make-up and soaked hair. I only opened the door because I figured it was mean to make him come back later, or worse, just leave the flowers sitting out on the stoop. I'm sure he's survived worse though, so I don't feel too bad.

I'm looking forward to my vacation week! We don't have any actual classes this week, I just have a clinical observation (which I completed this morning in the Cath lab at Harris hospital) and a 2-day Family Practice Preceptorship in Houston. I'm looking forward to the preceptorship as a reminder of why I want to go into medicine. Listening to countless lectures about ions and current flows and blah blah blah sometimes leads me to ponder the wisdom of my decisions. However, I've always heard that the first two years are the hardest because of that. It will be nice to start seeing some clinical applications of my knowledge (if any of it remains) and to be able to learn some clinical skills as well. Not to mention that I'll get to see my mom, sister, and baby Zane! I also hope to catch up on sleep and reading material. I have felt so illiterate in the past year, I've hardly read anything under 5lbs. I've posted some newer Zane pics for your viewing pleasure.


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