Tuesday, November 23, 2004

On the road again...with turkeys and such

Wow, it's really late, I'm tired and dreading a pharmacology quiz that I am unprepared for... oh well, que sera sera. On a more productive note, I believe my Nashville Star audition video is nearing completion. All I need is a little footage from my classmates and I should be good to go. [What a relief, one less thing to fritter my time away on! Hmm, "fritter," interesting how you don't really think about a phrase until you have to write it down (or type it out in my case). I wonder if there's a fritter animal somewhere that this phrase refers to, or if it's simply inspired by the pastry itself. Imponderables!] Having to watch myself for a full 10 minutes is actually pretty painful, listening to me is even worse, but I figure the tape watchers need something to entertain them, to keep them going. I'm taking one for the team.

I'm heading off to Houston tomorrow afternoon with mi madre for Thanksgiving in less than 1,000 cubic feet... ay yi yi! We'll see if the Fuller family can survive that much togetherness. I'm really excited to see my sister, it looks like she could deliver any time now and we're all anxious to see baby Zane in the flesh! Perhaps all the turkey, fixins, and festive holiday cheer will entice him from the womb! We shall see. Happy Thanksgiving to all... and to all a good night.


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