Thursday, October 21, 2004

Pulido's Palooza in Eastland... if you will

So I just got back from my Eastland rendezvous with Melia. Oh man, the joys of driving and of Smalltown, USA all came rushing back! It was so nice to not have to think about all the junk I should be doing, but just enjoying myself and enjoying a wonderful friend I don't see often enough. Plus, we'll have one of those cool stories... well maybe not cool, I guess it'd be cooler if we like flew to New York on a moment's notice... perhaps another adjective would be more appropriate. I'm too tired to search for that appropriate word, however! But maybe it will serve it's storytelling purpose when we're old ladies and our grandkids gasp at how spontaneous we used to be. (I'm sure by then Eastland will be engulfed by the metroplex and it will seem more awe-inspiring!) I love random conversations with friends, especially when you have some history and can remember all the other random talks along the way... it's nice to see how far we've come.

Since I did quite a bit of driving today, I thought I'd comment on my traffic pet peeves. I know it might end up sounding a little bitter, but it's only meant to be satiric/amusing/informative...

1. Do not drive with your brights on, unless there are actually no cars within range and/or if there are really bright street lights directly above you lighting your way, that's a little redundant, not to mention a waste of energy. Let me add some context... There was some Mercedes with their brights blazing on I-20 near Weatherford. I could actually track the car for miles in my rearview, that's how bright they were! Weatherford has tons of signs, all of which were lit up like a Christmas tree... if you can't guide your car by the glow of the Majestic Liquor and Petro signs, perhaps you shouldn't be driving at night... or at all. Then I got to thinking, maybe this person is a member of some Mercedes gang and it just trying to get someone to flash their lights so that they can be part of that urban legend, or something, and get initiated. Not likely. But then I tried to be more realistic... perhaps they forgot they had their brights on. More likely. It's happened to the best of us. Which is why I advocate some sort of device for intercar communication. For example, I could've notified the person that their lights were damaging my retinas, before others were affected and possibly blinded. Another example of how technology could make the world a better place! haha

2. If people are passing you on the right and/or left lanes... you should probably get over. Go with the flow, don't block it up!

3. If you find yourself neck and neck with another car, aka taking up both lanes, how about one of you be the bigger car (metaphorically, of course) and either speed up or slow down. Just a couple of miles per hour would do it!

end of ranting.

On the drive home I got to talk to Becky and my sister on the phone... traveling companions! I heard "Baby's Got Her Bluejeans On" and simply had to call Becky, since her rendition of the classic is my absolute favorite! Plus I got to listen to a random CD I burned awhile ago, but never got around to listening to. Something Corporate definitely has some good stuff, I'd forgotten some of the fab songs they have. You should check them out. I also came to the conclusion that I need to carry around a little tape recorder. I have so many random ideas at random times, some of which might actually be worthwhile for some undetermined purpose... but I'm so scatterbrained I usually don't even remember them. I'm probably not missing much. I think some of the on the road thoughts end up seeming a lot more profound under they hypnosis of the highway, as well as prolonged periods of silence. I think I just like the fact that I have time to think about things and put them in a more coherent order, something I'm definitely lacking in. Plus, people might accuse me of doing a really bad Kevin Nealon impersonation. Wasn't he the one that had the bit about "note to self"? No, wait... it was that other guy... can see his face but can't remember the name. Oh well, I guess that freed up a little storage space in my brain! Please forgive any errors, no editing was done... I'm tired! Here's one of my favorite Corporate songs... "I Woke Up in a Car"

i woke up in new york city
from my sleep behind the wheel
caught a train to poughkeepsie
and time stood still

she wrote me a letter from san diego
to qualify her luck
these flights connect through arizona
but i think i'll stay stuck

so here i am here i am
well i woke up in a car
i traced a way to fall
so i could see the mississippi on her knees
i've never been so lost
i've never felt so much at home
please write my folks and throw away my keys
i woke up in a car
i woke up in a car

i met a girl who kept tattoos for homes
that she had loved
if i were her i'd paint my body
until all my skin was gone

she wrote me a letter as we passed through rockford
she said she won't forget
maybe i do maybe i don't
but i know i haven't yet

so here i am here i am
well i woke up in a car
i traced a way to fall
so i could see the mississippi on her knees
i've never been so lost
i've never felt so much at home
please write my folks and throw away my keys
i woke up in a car
i woke up in a car

and maybe i could live forever
if that ever i had known
that you'd be waiting there whenever i'm alone

but here i am here i am
well i woke up in a car
i traced a way to fall
so i could see the mississippi on her knees
i've never been so lost
i've never felt so much at home
please write my folks and throw away my keys
i woke up in a car i woke up in a car


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