Saturday, November 19, 2005

Reality check...

In exactly four weeks from now, at this time, I'll be a married woman and cutting a rug at my reception! Wow, it's amazing how quickly this semester has flow by already. I guess being extra busy and preoccupied with plans, arranging parent meetings, traveling to and fro to get things ready.... has made the time rocket by. I'm so ready for it to be here. If I can just make it through the wedding ceremony without falling down, saying something embarrassing or completely breaking down into tears, I'll consider it a success!

I'm starting to get really nervous about my walk down the aisle. (Not because I'm getting married or have any doubts about Stephen... no cold feet here, just being in front of people phobia!) Having 200 people stare it me is one of my recurring nightmares! What if I look hideous and/or have my dress tucked up in my underwear...etc, etc?! I'll just have to focus on Stephen and not look to the sides, or I might run out of the building. Perhaps I should make the ushers seat all of my friends and friendly faces on the outsides of the pews so that they're the only ones I'll see! Brilliant! Make it so.

Well, those are my random thoughts for today boys and girls. Sorry my blog is all about wedding stuff lately... it's sort of been an all-consuming event as of late! I'm off to study for my last test before the Thanksgiving break! Yeee haw. Peace out.


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