Saturday, December 24, 2005

Love and Marriage...

I've been a married woman for a week already! I have a feeling this next year is going to fly by. We're back from the Caribbean, not much tanner, probably chubbier, and ready to be home. We made it back safely. I was actually starting to get pretty worried about the cruise scene because everyone who heard we were going on a cruise told us the story about honeymooners on a cruise and the guy was killed/lost. So needless to say I kept a close eye on the hubby... I did think about getting us a Siamese twin suit, but we didn't have time before having to drive to Galveston! Somehow we survived. I hope the moving goes very quickly. I'm ready to be settled in to our place!

Now we're off to the Fuller Family Christmas! Zane just took his first steps this afternoon, so I'm excited to see if live and in person. I'll be posting some vacation pictures soon. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!

P.S.-- I got to do karaoke on the cruise ship! They didn't have any Cher songs that I was really feelin' so I did another standby "Bette Davis Eyes." It was fun and I don't think I embarrassed Stephen too much!


Blogger Heather said...

Yay! I'm glad you had fun on the cruise, Mrs. Thomason. hehe. Can't believe you're a married woman!! Congrats again!

Hope you and the Mr. have a wonderful New Year's, and may the next year be filled with many many blessings (and not too much homework).

Love ya!

9:35 AM  
Blogger Leslie Hutchins said...

Hey Emily,

Wanted to say hello and wish ya'll both the best as you start another year at school. As far as changing your name, the hardest part to get use to is initialing documents!


9:00 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

tag you're it emily!!

1:24 PM  

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