Friday, December 15, 2006

I'm moving on down to Corpus... least for 6 weeks. So I'm finally at the point in my medical school career where I'm required to do an away rotation. I've been dreading/excited about it for awhile now... excited because I've heard it's one of the best places to do a pediatric rotation (which is still what I think I want to do!) and dreading it because Stephen will still be here in Fort Worth :(

I keep telling myself that maybe being away in an unfamiliar place will be good for me; plenty of time to study (we'll see how that goes!) with fewer distractions, and time to start that ever elusive work-out schedule! So, if you're ever even remotely near the Corpus Christi area, please stop by and visit me. At least I'll be there with some really nice people from my class. I hope I do well and am able to tell if this is what I want to do with the rest of my life!

In other exciting news... we took our Internal Medicine shelf this afternoon, so that's one more test behind us! This officially marks the end of the first half of my third year of medical school, which is actually a kind of frightening thing to think about, ay yi yi.

And I just had yet another conversation with the incompetent people who work at Skypass Travel... once I mentioned wanting to speak with the manager, they were very motivated to help me... interesting isn't it?! I looked them up on the Better Business Bureau website and found out that they've had a few complaints, one almost idential to my own; interesting. Please avoid them at all costs for your own sanity! I hate arguing with people, especially over the phone. These are the moments I wish I had a personal assistant. I hate confrontation but I'm beginning to learn that it is sometimes a necessary part of being an "adult" and getting things done.

Well, I'm off to finish packing for the ski/anniversary trip to Colorado! Can you believe we've already been married one year, I can't! I hope everyone has a happy and safe Christmas and New Year :)


Blogger Leslie Hutchins said...

Hey Emily!

I can't believe it has been a year! I remember because Brian had graduation, and I couldn't make it to your wedding. Boy time goes by so quickly. It will go fast while you are in Corpus. When I was in Tyler it did. The only hard part were the days off, but honestly, there weren't that many! I can't believe we have only a year & a half left! Let me know how you like Peds. The Peds rotation at UTSW is really well organized and all, however, peds didn't click well with me. However, a lot of the fourth years are going into it. I heard 43 out of almost 220 in that class have decided on it, so second to medicine here, a lot of people like it. Best of luck to you, and let me know how things go once you start back. However, enjoy your time off!


7:38 PM  
Blogger Leslie Hutchins said...

I'm glad I could help you out! If you need anything else, let me know! I hope you are enjoying Peds! The worst thing for me to get use to was the newborn exam. They looked so fragile at first, but then after you do a few, you get the hang of it! Keep in touch!

6:43 PM  

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