Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend...

I had a great weekend! And luckily, our psychiatry supervisor made sure that all of us were off for the holiday... I'm not sure that that's ever happened on a rotation before! I spent most of the weekend with my family, which is always a blast. And I spent some quality time with my nephew, aka cutest two year old EVER, Zane. The plan was for my dad and me to take Zane to the Colonial PGA golf tournament on Saturday but the weather had different ideas. Of course it cleared up and they resumed play when it was too late for us to go; Zane definitely needed a nap during that time. Without a nap he turns into what we affectionately call "Mr. Destructo"... because nothing is safe in the path of this tired two year old!

So instead, we opted to take him to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History. We started off by watching an Omni movie about Dolphins (scored by Sting which was a highlight for me) and then went to all the kids' exhibits. Zane fell in love with the Kids Zone- a place where everything is made for kids six years and younger. Boy do they know their demographic! Zane had a great time running from play car to play car, to play train... he couldn't decide which one he wanted to drive next, so he drove in most of them twice! He also got to shop in a kid-size grocery store for fake food and other goods. He loved being able to drive the pint-sized grocery cart himself and then scanning his items. I think he ended up with 5 grapefruits, a piece of cheese, and a tangerine... good thing he's not in charge of shopping for the real thing! We all had a great time, it's so fun to see him explore and learn. I've included a picture of Zane fishing for pollutants (it was an environment exhibit) with Papa, which he loved. Then we went to lunch where he scarfed down his corn until no kernel remained... it's nice to see passion for a vegetable instead of french fries!

We also went to a wedding this weekend. My cousin Adam got married, so of course it was yet another excuse to dress Zane up! He looked very sharp and sadly, mature in his khaki pants and polo shirt. While we all waited for the cake to be cut, he played with "Jeremy" his airplane and lounged on the stairs. It was definitely an interesting group of people there... we definitely felt like the oddballs. I'm still bummed that they waited so long to cut the cake, because that's usually one of the highlights for me at weddings!

It was awesome to have a long weekend and the best part was that Stephen was off Monday also :) So we met in the middle ("'neath that old Georgia pine"- Diamond Rio, anybody?!) in Abilene. We both left our respective cities as soon as Stephen got off call, so we both arrived about 12:45am on Monday. We were both so tired but it was nice just to be able to sleep next to him... it still felt like quality time. We went to go see "Next" one of the new Nicholas Cage movies. It was pretty good, can't say that I recommend it whole-heartedly. It was definitely an interesting concept, I just think it fell short on the execution. That's my weekend in a nutshell, just in case anyone was wondering! Have a great week


Blogger Leslie Hutchins said...

Zane is cute!! I am glad you got to see Stephen. Are you rotating at Children's this next year? If so, let me know when you are here. I am doing two away rotations. One in September at Baylor and I haven't heard back from the other two places I applied by hopefully another one in October. Keep me up to date on your schedule and maybe we can meet for lunch or dinner if your here. If not we need to get together sometime after 4th year settles down!

Take care,


5:29 PM  

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