Sunday, August 12, 2007

Testing and puking, never a good combination...

We're taking the COMLEX tomorrow morning at 8am... I'm a little nervous. Mostly because my morning sickness has been pretty hanous this week. I'm praying for a reprieve between the hours of 8am and 4pm so that I'm able to focus on taking the test and not simulatenously trying to answer questions while stifling gagging!! I'm sure my fellow test takers would appreciate it as well :) I have our church and my parents' church on prayer patrol, but I would appreciate ANY extra assistance!

Then, the highlight of our week, is on Wednesday when we have our first OB appointment... we'll finally get to see our little peanut!! Then we're headed to Abilene to take the USMLE on Friday... so it should be a pretty busy week. That's all for now, I'm off to look at some cram pages before we head to Dallas!


Blogger Leslie Hutchins said...

You guys will do great! Let me know how everything goes (your exams as well as your Ob appointment)! I will be praying for you guys!

6:15 PM  

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