Sunday, September 16, 2007

Baby Update!!!

Hello all, I thought I'd share the newest baby pictures, hot off the sonogram machine! It was a big surprise to me that I got a sonogram at my last visit, but I'm so glad my doctor did! The nurse tried to listen to the baby's heartbeat using the doppler machine, but she wasn't able to hear anything but mine. Needless to say this made me a little nervous even though I know that since I'm only 12 weeks it's on the early side of being able to hear anything. Since my morning sickness has gotten much more manageable, it made me nervous... because at least I knew the little one was doing well enough to make lots of stomach-upsetting hormones as long as I was throwing up every morning!

I've tried to scan the pictures and attach them for you all to see. I wish you all could've seen the live version... the pictures were so much clearer and it was exciting to see the little guy jumping around, kicking, and wiggling!! He's definitely a very active guy. (I decided to just go ahead and say "he" for now, just because it sounds too terrible to say "it" and be referring to your child! Maybe I'll alternate "he" and "she" each week.) The doctor took a peek between his legs, but nothing definite for sure just yet :) It's amazing to me how much has changed in only four weeks... our little peanut has grown so much already and looks more like a human baby than a legume! It still boggles my mind how life is created and sustained, how is this possible?!... God is amazing. I found a great quote by Maureen Hawkins, while I only can say that I relate to the first half, I have a feeling the last part will be 100% true as well:

"Before you were conceived I wanted you

Before you were born I loved you

Before you were here an hour I would die for you

This is the miracle of life."

I tried to give you some orientation on the pictures by adding notes under the pictures. (Sorry the quality isn't the best) She also shared all of my lab results with me and says everything is going great and expects no problems. I'll have another visit in four weeks. In other news, I think there's finally been a break in the morningsickness! I know Stephen is very excited about it, it makes the mornings much better for both of us :) I'm enjoying feeling like a normal person and being ableto eat and enjoy my food again.


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