Monday, August 13, 2007

One test down...

And one to go. Thanks to everyone who said a puke-free prayer for me... all the prayers definitely worked, I had no nausea during the test AT ALL, it truly was a miracle because this last week has not been pretty. The test went OK... I of course wish I'd had more "feel good" time this last week so that studying was actually productive, but overall I feel like I knew enough to make good choices on the test (at least I think I knew...).

Oh well, one more to go on Friday. All I can think about right now is our first appointment on Wednesday!! I had so many questions on the test about things going wrong during pregnancies that I was starting to get a little worried about my own, so being able to see the little one on the ultrasound will make me feel much better :) That's all for now. We're taking tonight off before we hit the books again for test #2! Peace out.


Blogger Rachel said...

yay for updating your blog! I'm glad your test went well! Say hello to Stephen for me! I can't wait to know how your dr appt goes!

6:30 AM  

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