Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Someday all the good things will not fade away...

I read a post on Andrew Osenga (formerly the Normals frontman) that I really liked. I think I like it so much because he is a much more articulate thinker and writer than I am... so I'm stealing it! He verbalizes well the times when you suddenly remember childhood days or any nostalgic time, event or place in your life. It strikes me most often when I'm driving around, especially in the evenings on those "perfect" days, and somehow it reminds me of being a kid and riding my bike (listening to my walkman of course) around the neighborhood until it was dinner time (or too dark to ride)... or something like that. It's not even that definite a feeling or memory but the emotion is somehow the same... if you know what I mean! I'll let Andy describe it better...



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