Wednesday, April 30, 2008

We made an offer on a house...

and it was accepted!!!! We are still in shock, it's all feeling pretty unreal at this point. I have never been a home owner before and I think I'm going to like it (that is of course, until the first major appliance breaks or the roof leaks or whatever). We are meeting the inspector today to go over the soundness of our new domicile! Barring any major disasters we should be able to move in by the end of May.

I'm slowly but surely, scratch that, QUICKLY acquiring all the adult responsibilities that I'd always thought were so far off into the future. Parenthood, home owner, doctor... what in the world?! I'm probably due for some sort of identity crisis or something, but I certainly don't have time for that :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

One month ago...

Who knew a month could fly by so incredibly quickly?! Jacob was a month old yesterday and I'm already feeling like he's going to be a toddler if I close my eyes for an instant... I'm sure it will only get worse :( He just gets cuter and cuter every day and heavier to pick up out of his cradle in the middle of the night! I'm really enjoying being home with him. He's a big cat napper in the mornings, so I don't get as much done as I'd like to in the mornings, but luckily he does take a few big naps during the day which allows me to get a nap too or get some things done around the house.

We celebrated his month birthday yesterday by getting ice cream at Marble Slab (however, the guest of honor slept through most of it) and then today by going to the doctor! Poor guy had to get his first shot today but he did so well... he got really mad, then calmed down pretty quickly and took a big nap. The doctor says he's doing well, he's growing like a weed as they say. At birth he weighed 7lbs 5oz, was 21 inches long and today weighed 9lbs 8oz and is 22 1/4 inches long!! He's been eating like it's going out of style, so I guess that's what happens (which we are very thankful for). He ate so much this morning before the doctor's visit, I told Stephen he must be cramming for his weigh in ;)

I've been searching for good daycares in Dallas and I'm not having a lot of luck. The two that were recommended to me both have long waiting lists (of course) but at least I'm on the higher priority list and Southwestern since I'll be working there. So if you know of any quality baby care in Dallas, give me a holler, I would be eternally grateful! Luckily, my mother has offered to come be his nanny when I start work because I know he won't have a day care spot just yet... and let's face it, in my dream world, my mother would be able to take care of him all the time because I know he'd be getting the best possible care. (I guess in the ultimate dream world, I would be the one taking care of him every day AND somehow doing residency.) It's going to be the hardest thing dropping him off and letting someone else take care of him, but I know I'm called to be a doctor and that I just have to get through the next three years of training and then I'll be more able to make my own schedule. We all just have to make it through them first!

I'm also working on the house hunt...hopefully we will have made a decision in the next week or so because we need time to close and move before residency starts. We are praying that we will find the right house at a decent price. It's amazing how much more homes cost in Dallas than in any other place... sheesh! We are still debating about areas, we've found several neighborhoods that we really like and are very safe, but there are pros and cons to each regarding commutes for each of us as well as proximity to family for emergency childcare, etc. So please pray for us as we make this HUGE decision! That's about all the updates we have for now.

And now it's time for the best part... PICTURES!