Friday, September 26, 2008

We're still here!

So life has been very busy lately, full of milestones and stories... many of which I meant to post long ago... but you know how those good intentions go :) Jacob is 6 months old now, just started crawling this week, we just discovered his first tooth today... it's ridiculous how quickly he's growing up! He's such a fun guy, so laid back and so happy, I really couldn't ask for a better baby. He's one of the best things to come home to.

Stephen and I are both surviving residency... one month at a time! We really couldn't do it without my mother helping us out because most daycares aren't meant to accomodate the weird and often erratic schedules of physicians. Plus, it's so nice to be able to let him sleep in his own bed and not have to worry about getting him ready and drop him off somewhere so early in the morning. My mother is also keeping our nephew, Zane, so we have quite the full house most days! It's so funny to see Zane and Jacob interact, Jacob is absolutely in love with anything and everything Zane does... I foresee a lot of tagging along in the future.

I have a slower paced rotation for the next four weeks, so I'm really hoping it goes by slowly so I can soak it up! I'm also going to use my vacation time to finish childproofing the house, especially now that Jacob is crawling up a storm and getting into anything and everything. It's so funny, I never thought I'd be so proud of all his little milestones, but I just can't help it! Earlier this week, I came home from work and was playing with him on the floor and told him to come get me... and he just started crawling towards me! I was almost bursting with pride, it's crazy the level of emotion that's involved with such a simple act... can't imagine what I'll do when he graduates kindergarten or is potty trained! I called almost everyone I know immediately.

So I'm loving being a mom and most days at work I really do like my job, so I feel like life is going pretty well right now; can't ask for much more. I'll be posting some pictures so stay tuned....


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