Wednesday, April 30, 2008

We made an offer on a house...

and it was accepted!!!! We are still in shock, it's all feeling pretty unreal at this point. I have never been a home owner before and I think I'm going to like it (that is of course, until the first major appliance breaks or the roof leaks or whatever). We are meeting the inspector today to go over the soundness of our new domicile! Barring any major disasters we should be able to move in by the end of May.

I'm slowly but surely, scratch that, QUICKLY acquiring all the adult responsibilities that I'd always thought were so far off into the future. Parenthood, home owner, doctor... what in the world?! I'm probably due for some sort of identity crisis or something, but I certainly don't have time for that :)


Blogger Raena said...

I want to see pictures!

4:35 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Congrats! I hope it all goes through smoothly.

4:17 PM  
Blogger Leslie Hutchins said...

I feel the same way, except for the mom part. Everything seems to be happening so quickly.

Let me know about Saturday!


11:57 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This is a link
This has simply been an excellent post and really a post to envy at.Carry on. I appreciate your idea.

12:38 AM  

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