Saturday, February 23, 2008

36 weeks!

We are getting close to the finish line! We had an appointment this week, which included another sonogram... our last peek at Baby T before we get to meet him in person! The doctor said everything looks great. We don't have any pictures to send, he's getting so big that it's hard to fit him into one frame. The doctor estimates his current weight to be 6lbs 4oz, so we're probably looking at an 8lb kid at delivery. He is not breech, has plenty of amniotic fluid to swim around in and looks healthy on the sonogram! Luckily, there are no signs that he's planning on arriving any time in the near future (as in, next week)... which is a relief, I'm hoping he holds out at least until 39 weeks so that I'll have time to finish my last rotation. I have a feeling my little man won't let me down :) I'm still predicting that he'll come on March 20th, which is our residency Match Day.

We also got to see his feet kicking me in the ribs. (I think I felt him wiggling his toes in my ribs this morning... it was a really funny feeling!) The doctor confirmed that what we'd been thinking was his butt is indeed his posterior, so now we can pat it with confidence! We're planning to go buy his car seat and stroller today, so we'll have all the absolute essentials in place for his arrival (at least we hope)! I'm sure once we get him home we'll realize that we are grossly under-prepared! I'm getting anxious to meet him, I have a feeling that once we bring him home parenthood will begin to feel very real. That's all the news we have for now.


Blogger We Three Kings said...

I'm getting so excited for you! Thanks for keeping up the blog. It makes it a lot easier to know what's going on with you. :) So glad things are going well with your pregnancy and that little guy's going to be here soon! You guys are going to be the greatest parents! We love you guys!

11:32 AM  

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