Saturday, November 17, 2007

Baby T sighting!

So on Friday (after my interview) I got a quick, free sonogram from a tech who had some free time and was missing baby sonograms!! It was nice to have a GIRL doing it this time because she took lots of time to look at his face. It was so crazy to see him kicking and punching with his arms and simultaneously feeling it... I must say feeling a baby move has been one of the crazier experiences of my life; I'm still not used to it! I'm sure people think I'm a freak when it looks like I'm just zoning out and holding my stomach.... but it's still so new and exciting, that it's hard for me to ignore, even though it happens all day. It's kind of fun knowing that my little boy and I are the only ones aware of our subtle "communication"!

During the sonogram, my sister decided that Baby T looks like Stephen (which is what I'm rooting for). I was just so excited to be able to see him that I couldn't think about too much, other than I was so happy to know that everything was OK. He was so adorable, yawning, sticking his tongue out (we think) and doing baby tae-bo! Unfortunately, the very nice sono lady was unable to print pictures because it was broken, but just seeing my little guy made it the best day ever :)

My doctor told me at my last appointment that I'll need to get another sonogram after Christmas because they didn't get as good a look at the baby's heart as they would've liked. At first, all they said was that I needed another sonogram... which made my heart sink, because I was afraid that something was wrong with the baby. But when they explained that they just needed more views, I felt much better... and at the same time, annoyed with the guy who went through all the motions so quickly, that apparently he didn't get all the pictures needed (including the obligatory profile pictures I wanted)! However, I can't be too angry, it's another chance to check-in on Baby T and it will be a WONDERFUL belated Christmas present! I'm just hoping a girl is there to do it this time, or I might have to get sassy with the guy and request sweet pictures ;)

That's it for now, I have to get back to packing for San Antonio. I leave tomorrow for four weeks on my last away rotation. I'm SO sad to leave, of course, but it will be nice to get a better idea of what residency is like down there as well as what the city is like. So if anyone is in that area between now and the next four weeks, you MUST look me up because I'm sure I'll need the company :)


Blogger Raena said...

San Antonio? YAY! Come see me...we can eat something yummy and chat. You can even spend a weekend at our house, if you aren't going home. It will be good times!

9:53 PM  
Blogger Leslie Hutchins said...

I hope your rotation goes well in San Antonio! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

4:54 PM  

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