Sunday, October 28, 2007

Baby Boy T...

So the newest installment of pictures aren't as cute as they usually are (in my humble opinion); I guess that's what happens when you let a guy do the sonogram... he was very matter of fact and gave us more of the "Halloween view" of the baby's face (aka his skull) rather than his sweet face like my doctor usually does. But we were happy to see him under any circumstances! It was amazing to see how big he is now, he looked more crowded this time :) His body is much more proportional, as you can see his head and body are closer in size now (rather than the noggin-dominant configuration of four weeks ago).

The sonographer saw fit to outline the boy parts so that we would be able to show everyone the evidence! (I feel bad for the poor guy having all his business on display, I hope his modesty wasn't too offended.) According to the measurements taken, Baby T is right on target for his age, he already weighs 3/4 of a pound... he's our "three-quarter pounder"! The guy took a quick look at one of his lateral ventricles (an important structure in the brain), the stomach, nuchal fold, femur length, etc...and told us everything looked fine. I suppose we'll get the official report from our doctor at my next appointment. When I asked if he was on track for our due date, he said it was right in between the old one(March 19th) and the new one (March 25th) so no changes there.

It's hard to believe that the pregnancy is almost half way over, we can't wait to meet our little guy. We bought his first outfit on Friday night which says "little version of daddy," (which is what I'm hoping for... a mini-Stephen) so cute and so tiny! There was also another one at Old Navy that said "I'm new here" which I thought was adorable, but I'm trying to practice self control when purchasing baby items... really trying. We are starting to seriously consider names, now that we have a gender to concentrate on. I'm still learning towards Jacob Langston but we still have time to mull over all our options. It's a big decision, naming someone for the rest of their life... we're just hoping we give the poor guy something that he can live with from childhood to adulthood without too much embarrassment! That's all the news from us, hope everyone is well!


Blogger Leslie Hutchins said...

I am so excited for you guys!

How is your rotation going?

7:23 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

congrats on the little boy! =)

10:01 PM  
Blogger Raena said...

YAY for boys first! Love to you and your tiny one.

10:54 PM  

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