Saturday, November 03, 2007

A milestone...

Today marks the halfway point in the pregnancy! I can't believe it's already halfway over... it's unbelievable how quickly it's gone by, and yet I can't wait for the end result to be in my arms :) Funny that I'm so impatient... because I'm sure in little to no time I'll be wondering how it can be that our little boy isn't a baby anymore. I really am trying to make a conscious effort to try and take everything in and really appreciate the miracle while it is going on. For some reason, it reminds me of Mary when Jesus was born, "But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart" Luke 2:19. I'd like to be more "ponderous" and reflective instead of just looking ahead to each new milestone... I'm afraid I might miss too many important lessons and moments if I'm in too much of a hurry! (Not to say that I'm remotely like Mary but I think there's a universal "mother principle" which applies :)

Also, I think I've experienced what is called "quickening" which is the first movements of the baby that you can actually feel. They've been pretty subtle thus far and sometimes hard to distinguish from digestion, but it's exciting every time I think it is him :) That's about it for now, just a quick update to mark this big day!


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