Monday, March 03, 2008

Full-Term Thomason!

Today marks another very important milestone, Baby T is now 37 weeks along, which means that he is now considered full term! It's a big relief knowing that even if he comes sooner than we expect, he shouldn't have any major complications. It's so odd spending so much time in the doctor's office lately, I feel like I am there all the time... probably because I'm there each and every week.

We had the last baby shower this weekend, so we are feeling a little more prepared, at least as far as having all the "things" that one needs to take care of a baby. I think I'm probably still in denial just a little bit about what the next few weeks have in store for both of us. My plan at this point is to expect the worst for labor and delivery so that if the worst doesn't happen, it will feel like a breeze! (Probably not a breeze, but at least not the worst case scenario). I figure there's not much I can do now and worrying about all the possibilities and contingencies would be exhausting... I'm just hoping to be flexible, while being as prepared as I can and try to maintain a good attitude. I've already told Stephen I'm not sure how I will react to labor... but I've already apologized in advance just in case :)

I have to brag on Stephen for a minute. He's been so sweet and thoughtful lately. I've been a pretty lucky girl during my pregnancy, no major issues or complications, and I've been blessed to have felt pretty good for the entire time (I attribute this to all of you prayer warriors out there!). In the last few days I've gone from comfortably pregnant to feeling EXTREMELY pregnant and more uncomfortable and tired. On Saturday I noticed some fierce swelling in my feet and legs which stayed with me almost all weekend and made my feet and legs really sore (not to mention gave me cankles and sausage feet!). Stephen has been so sweet, rubbing my feet and even giving up his pillow so that I could get comfortable and get some sleep. I can't wait to see him with Baby T, he's going to be such an adorable dad!!

We're getting excited and anxious to see our little guy, but still hoping he holds out for at least 2.5 more weeks so that we can finish up our rotations and not have to worry about any tests or clinic time interfering with the experience!


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