Monday, July 13, 2009

"I am barely breathing..."

Just a quick note that I'm still alive!  I've made it to the second year of residency.  I'm also exhausted.  I knew starting out in the NICU would be difficult but had no idea that working 80 hours a week without hope of working one minute less would feel so much like being 80 years old!  I hate that I only get a few hours with Jacob a day, but it is such sweet time! 

Jacob stories:
-He loves to read to himself now, however every time I find him sitting on the couch and reading to himself the book is upside-down... so precious!  And he points to the pictures just like I do.  It's one of my favorite things he does.
-Jacob started daycare several weeks ago and it's still hard on all of us.  I can't wait to be part-time and have control of my life again!
-He had his first swimming lesson and LOVED it.
-He loves balloons (as you could probably tell by his birthday part pictures) and calls them "boons"
-He also likes to throw up one to two arms and yell something that sounds like "GOAL!" when he throws his bath toy into the basket... it cracks me up!

So that's all I have for now, if I wrote anything else I'd just start complaining and who wants to hear that?!  I have no reason to complain I have every single thing that I've asked for and God has been good to grant me those desires.  Next I'll just start praying for a part-time residency! JK  As soon as I get a new camera (ours died in the flood at the Arboretum!) I'll post some new pictures.