Saturday, November 27, 2004

Dog park Thanksgiving, 11-27-04, in Houston. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

On the road again...with turkeys and such

Wow, it's really late, I'm tired and dreading a pharmacology quiz that I am unprepared for... oh well, que sera sera. On a more productive note, I believe my Nashville Star audition video is nearing completion. All I need is a little footage from my classmates and I should be good to go. [What a relief, one less thing to fritter my time away on! Hmm, "fritter," interesting how you don't really think about a phrase until you have to write it down (or type it out in my case). I wonder if there's a fritter animal somewhere that this phrase refers to, or if it's simply inspired by the pastry itself. Imponderables!] Having to watch myself for a full 10 minutes is actually pretty painful, listening to me is even worse, but I figure the tape watchers need something to entertain them, to keep them going. I'm taking one for the team.

I'm heading off to Houston tomorrow afternoon with mi madre for Thanksgiving in less than 1,000 cubic feet... ay yi yi! We'll see if the Fuller family can survive that much togetherness. I'm really excited to see my sister, it looks like she could deliver any time now and we're all anxious to see baby Zane in the flesh! Perhaps all the turkey, fixins, and festive holiday cheer will entice him from the womb! We shall see. Happy Thanksgiving to all... and to all a good night.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

"I wish I could tell you... but I just can't find the words..."

Time to update the bl-iz-og! This weekend was a lot of fun. Melia and Kim came in town, so I got to not think about medical school for over 24 hours! I had the best time ever on Friday night. Melia and I picked up Alex then went to eat dinner downtown. It was my first Riscky barbecue experience and I enjoyed it... even if it was a bit risque. They had karaoke so it had the potential to be the best barbeque in town, but unfortunately it was about 4 light years away from our table... so sad! So close, yet so far away. I WILL do karaoke in Ft Worth, even if it kills me and the ears of all those around me.

Melia and I played our guitars and sang until like 3am (althought that's one we didn't perform, haha, lame I know). It was nice to have someone to harmonize with and be completely retarded with. Geez, I miss having roomates, especially roomates of the musical variety!

Saturday reminded me of the olden days when Saturdays were actually days off and goofing off a given. Here are the highlights... Melia and I, clad in PJs, drove to a Krispy Kreme and got ourselves some donuts. We met up with Kris to run some random errands/waste time before the concert. I finally bought a guitar tuner! I feel so official. The sales guy made me feel a little lame for not buying the ultra-cool tuner that works based on vibration, but that also costs a lot of dough... but at least he appreciated my allusion to Sandlot. Who in our generation doesn't refer to it on a semi-regular basis?! Anytime the word "forever" is uttered, it spurs lots of slow mo "for-ev-ER"s, I love it! Then eventually we all got it together, ate dinner at Campisi's, which was fantabulous and got to the Flickerstick concert.

After numerous concert going experiences, I've definitely decided that when my band (Lady Liberty's Chonies) goes on tour we will have no more than 2 opening bands and that the aforementioned bands will play for no more than 30 minutes. This was the longest concert I've ever been to that wasn't advertised as an all day event. I actually dozed off a few times, which is an elderly thing to do, but this thing lasted until 1:30am people; and we even got there late, at 9! Oh well, I enjoyed it and because Kris has crazy cool connections, it was free. I love free stuff! I would post pictures, but my scanner is being snobby and refusing to communicate with my computer... what a jerk!

Unfortunately I must start studying. How sad is that? Friday night in Fort Worth spent studying for a stupid neuro exam that I will never be able to ace without another week to study. It's worth it though to be able to spend a guilt-free weekend with friends and family in good 'ol Abilene. Did I mention that Heather and I will be making our audition tapes for Nashville Star? Yeah, that's right, so make sure you tune in for the new season so you can NOT see my audition video! I love making videos! As long as mine doesn't end up on the "why the crap did that person think they could carry a tune?" reel, I'll be fine. I think I've decided to play "Strong Enough" and a song I wrote. I'm open to suggestions!

P.S. I've been obsessed with Sandra McCracken's "Gypsy Flat Road" CD this week. She is so fabulous! Here's the lyrics to one of my favorites, "Springtime Indiana." I wish I could write a song this fabulous!

Springtime Indiana
You are sleeping by my side
Here across the miles we ramble
Past where the road divides
I wish I could tell you…but I just can’t find the words

I’ve never been good with my thoughts
And even worse with my words
But you read like familiar poetry
That I have never heard…
I wish I could tell you…but I just can’t find the words

So let’s move across the ocean
And pitch the tent stakes wide
You be the one to come after me
And I will be your bride…
I wish I could tell you…but I just can’t find the words

I am all at once courageous
I am all at once afraid
It came over me like nightfall
Like a freight train
I can’t seem to hold it in
But I can’t seem to run away

You came in without notice
And settled all around my heart
Took up residence in all the places
That were vacant and dark…
I wish I could tell you…but I just can’t find the words

Springtime Indiana
You are starting to wake
And I am laden with the thoughts
Of everything I mean to say
I wish I could tell you,
But I just can’t find the words.

Friday, November 05, 2004

"Queen of Mediocrity"... my new album title, in stores soon

Yes, I'm a slacker, I admit it! But seriously, not too much has been going on in my life but studying, at least it seems that way. Anybody want to hear about the spinal cord?! I didn't think so. Hmmm, where to start? Last weekend, Halloween weekend, was actually a lot of fun. I got to go to the TOMA party in Dallas, where they served really nice food, had live music, and it was all free! It was a nice excuse to wear something other than scrubs or jeans and a t-shirt. [Flashback to high school: "No I don't want no scrubs a scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me... etc"] The band was not too thrilling, but I have to be forgiving because they're all middle-aged doctors who probably haven't played together in awhile. However, they refused to play "Monster Mash" even after I requested it several times, where's the Halloween spirit people?!

I got to dance with my friend Brian. Apparently it was a solo number, because nobody else would freaking get on the dance floor. It probably was pretty entertaining to see me try and recall anything at all from the swing dance lessons of yesteryear... I'm such a klutz. But I got dipped and didn't fall down even though I was wearing heels, (and no Oplin defensive dancing required) so I guess it could've been much worse. It was great getting to hang out with fun people from my class and not feel like we needed to talk about stupid classes or grades, only fun topics allowed! Another big highlight of the evening was getting to play an electric guitar!!! And not just any plain 'ol one... a hot pink paisley guitar! I love paisley, however I would've chose a nice blue color, with maybe a little green for garnish. It was different from ye old acoustic especially when the guy turned up the volume (aka "pumped up the jam"). It's then that I realized, hmmm, I'm not sure I know any songs that would sound good on an electric. I played some of "What You Want" since Derek uses an electric on that one... and my friend Abby actually knew what it was! It made my night. Someday I will own my own, but until that day, my acoustic is treating me right. (I am accepting donations and/or non-birthday gifts in the form of guitars! jk)

So the big bad Nervous System test was on Wednesday, which means I had a nervous breakdown somewhere between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. I've decided to make shirts that say "Nervous System=Nervous Breakdown" I think it will be a big seller amongst my classmates. Seriously folks, never felt dumber in my life. It's these times that I wonder what in the world I've gotten myself into and if the ends justify the means. It's a noble profession and something I'd love to do but sometimes I fear that I've overestimated my intellectual ability. Or perhaps I've just overestimated in this area of expertise, perhaps there's a career that's perfect for me out there. (If you have any insight or suggestions you'd better let me know!) I have no more ideas at this point. Since I'm the Queen of Mediocrity (or perhaps a Duchess or something, that sounds like a more mediocre form of royalty) maybe I should just go ahead and quit and become a mediocre bar singer... or perhaps I could marry into a mediocre family fortune and raise some average kids. I just feel like I should be enjoying this more, although I realize that being a doctor isn't going to be like this at all, I just don't want to be a crappy one and I feel like I will be if I continue at this rate! As the wise Jamie Hooten says,"you don't necessarily enjoy the preparation" for your desired career. Sometimes I think I sabotage myself into being passable and unexceptional. I could study more, but the creative part of me screams that if I don't do something that's not based on scientific fact that it will eat the information, leaving me even worse off than before. What a predicament! I need a brain transplant and a stomach transplant... stat!

Well, life is full of ups and downs as usual. I'm sure I'll be able to ride this one back up, someday, but for now I'll just enjoy the view from the bottom! Happy Belated Halloween all, in honor of my favorite song associated with this holiday...

"Monster Mash"

I was working in the lab late one night
When my eyes beheld an eerie sight
For my monster from his slab began to rise
And suddenly to my surprise

He did the mash
He did the monster mash
The monster mash
It was a graveyard smash
He did the mash
It caught on in a flash
He did the mash
He did the monster mash

From my laboratory in the castle east
To the master bedroom where the vampires feast
The ghouls all came from their humble abodes
To get a jolt from my electrodes

They did the mash
They did the monster mash
The monster mash
It was a graveyard smash
They did the mash
It caught on in a flash
They did the mash
They did the monster mash

The zombies were having fun
The party had just begun
The guests included Wolf Man Dracula and his son
The scene was rockin',
all were digging the sounds Igor on chains,
backed by his baying hounds
The coffin-bangers were about to arrive
With their vocal group, "The Crypt-Kicker Five"

They played the mash
They played the monster mash
The monster mash
It was a graveyard smash
They played the mash
It caught on in a flash
They played the mash
They played the monster mash

Out from his coffin, Drac's voice did ring
Seems he was troubled by just one thing
He opened the lid and shook his fist
And said, "Whatever happened to my Transylvania twist?"

It's now the mash
It's now the monster mash
The monster mash
And it's a graveyard smash
It's now the mash
It's caught on in a flash
It's now the mash
It's now the monster mash

Now everything's cool, Drac's a part of the band
And my monster mash is the hit of the land
For you, the living, this mash was meant too
When you get to my door, tell them Boris sent you

Then you can mash
Then you can monster mash
The monster mash
And do my graveyard smash
Then you can mash
You'll catch on in a flash
Then you can mash
Then you can monster mash