Friday, January 27, 2006

Name that tune!

This is from an old Russian friend, Mary Louise's blog!

1. Go to your iTunes playlist - or whatever's on your computer.
2. Hit shuffle.
3. Choose the first 13 songs - YOU CANNOT SKIP ONE. If it's embarrassing you just have to live with it.
4. With those 13 songs you must post your favorite lyric from each of the songs.
5. See if anybody can guess what songs they are from. If they are guessed you can cross them out. Try to get rid of all of them. Have fun!

1. "You call someplace paradise, kiss it goodbye "
2. "You left your smell You left your taste You left me here with my mistakes"
3. "there is more that rises in the morning than the sun"
4. "if you're sleepin are you dreamin and if you're dreamin are you dreamin of me"
5. "I am nothing but a breath and you're nothing but a lie"
6. "Now watch me rise up and leave all the ashes you made out of me"
7. "You'll be my vacation away from this place"
8. "It's time to try anything to be with you"
9. "And in a white sea of eyes I see one pair that I recognize"
10. "I only live for today, but I'm one day behind"
11. "I'm not what you want, I'm not anyone"
12. "You may be from Venus, but I'm definately not from Mars"
13. "We're different now than when we started"


Blogger Heather said...

Holy cow, that's way harder than you'd think!

The only one I figured out (without cheating) was #11, its 'What You Want' by Caedmon's Call.

Man, I did this too, and I've got some really random music, haha.

12:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey girl!!

I only know 2 more! SAD!

2. "Eleanor" Low Millions

11. "New Shiny Shoes" Sandra McCracken YAY! I love that song!

7:52 PM  
Blogger Leslie Hutchins said...

Hey Emily!

Thanks for the comment! Good luck on your test on Friday, I know you will do well!


7:05 AM  

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