Saturday, July 15, 2006

it's good to know I'm not totally retarded... for an eighth grader

I passed eighth grade science!

You Passed Eighth Grade Science

Congratulations, you got 8/8 correct!
Could You Pass 8th Grade Science?

How normal are you? I'm only 50%...

You Are 50% Normal
While some of your behavior is quite normal...Other things you do are downright strangeYou've got a little of your freak going onBut you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself
How Normal Are You?

just wasting some time...

You Are An Apple Tree
You are quiet and shy at times, but you have lots of charm and appeal.You are quite attractive: your pleasant attitude, flirtatious smile, and adventurous spirit draw people in.Sensitive and loyal in love, you want to love and be loved.You are a faithful and tender partner - who is generous in sharing your many talents.You love children, and you need an affectionate partner.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Fond Birthday Memories...

So I'm officially 24 (for 2 weeks now), it feels good... so Stephen and I are the same age for only one more day! Becky and Eileen planned a fun downtown birthday dinner at PF Chang's and then we just wandered around downtown. I absolutely love downtown, all the lights, the sounds of street musicians and bands floating through the air, and that there's lots of free parking!

I know you're all dying to know what I got for my birthday, so here it goes...
1. I got a keyboard piano from Stephen for my birthday... it's awesome, I can't leave it alone! Alex, Heather, Courtney, Trevor, Mike and my parents also chipped in to make it possible, so thanks guys!
2. Stephen's mom gave me an Ann Taylor gift card (which I spent swiftly)
3. Stephen's dad gave me a new golf bag and golf shoes (which I got to try out on the golf course the next day)... it was a rough golf day, but I did add a par to my "collection"... I'm up to 5! I just have to figure out how to start making birdies :)
4. A wonderful birthday dinner with my wonderful husband (after a horribly long, draining day of ACLS) at Outback
5. several yummy birthday cakes (Stephen even woke up really early to make me one): white, chocolate and spice (and the chocolate mousse at PF Chang's, but I don't know if that counts)

All in all, a very good birthday and no disasters like I'm always afraid of! Today was my first day of my orthopedic surgery rotation, more to follow...

Birthday with the hubby :) Posted by Picasa

My birthday dinner buds! Posted by Picasa

Stephen and I dancing at med school "prom" (aka Boot Party)... we had a good time and had fun playing dress up! Posted by Picasa

Zane (and Cassie, my brother's dog) cooling off during the hot summer days! Isn't he the most adorable thing you've ever seen?! Posted by Picasa