Wednesday, February 22, 2006

"I am practicing my purpose once again..."

New favorite song from the commercial for "Conviction" on NBC. I finally found it on Itunes and downloaded it... I have a feeling I'll be purchasing their album (a real, tangible one, with liner notes and that pesky security tape all around it!) Not only is the music wonderful and moving, but the lyrics are also really positive and hopeful, which I'm a fan of. I think they apply to anyone who hasn't quite "arrived" yet and is still wondering if they're going to be successful, loved, fulfilled, etc... which I think is a majority of people (especially those around my age)! I've posted links at the bottom if you want to listen to the song on their website or myspace (it's free!). You should definitely take a listen. (P.S.- I'm also diggin' "Ever After You")

All Will Be Well
(written by: Gabe Dixon/Dan Wilson)
performed by: Gabe Dixon Band

The new day dawns
And I am practicing my purpose once again
It is fresh and it is fruitful if I win
but if I lose, ooh, I don't know
I'll be tired but I will turn and I will go
Only guessing 'til I get there then I'll know
Ohh, I will know

And all the children walking home past the factories
Can see the light that's shining in my window
As I write this song to you
And all the cars running fast along the interstate
Can feel the love that radiates
Illuminating what I know is true

And all will be well
Even after all the promises you've broken to yourself
All will be well
You can ask me how but only time will tell

The winter's cold
But the snow still lightly settles on the trees
And a mess is still a moment I can seize until I know
That all will be well
Even though sometimes this is hard to tell
And the fight is just as frustrating as hell
All will be well

And all the children walking home past the factories
Can see the light that's shining in my window
As I write this song to you
And all the cars running fast along the interstate
Can feel the love that radiates
Illuminating what I know is true

And all will be well
Even after all the promises you've broken to yourself
All will be well
You can ask me how but only time will tell

You got to keep it up
And don't give up
And chase your dreams
And you will find
All in time

And all the children walking home past the factories
Can see the light that's shining in my window
As I write this song to you
And all the cars running fast along the interstate
Can feel the love that radiates
Illuminating what I know is true

And all will be well
Even after all the promises you've broken to yourself
All will be well
You can ask me how but only time will tell

All will be well
Even after all the promises you've broken to yourself
All will be well
You can ask me how but only time will tell
You can ask me how but only time will tell


oh man, I can feel the music beast rising again... I hope this doesn't start a music spree- buying all those CDs I've been holding myself back on, buying all that guitar and piano sheet music I've been craving... and then of course obtaining any form of a keyboard/piano to have at the house, so I can actually play on a regular basis. Why didn't we register for a piano?! Should I drop out of medical school and form a band?! Whoa, I think I'll stop there and try to lull the music beast back to sleep. Peace out.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Cute Zane anecdote...

Let me preface this story with saying that Zane is the cutest, friendliest kid out there. Anywhere he goes, and anyone he sees is fair game for waving at and squealing at. He LOVES to wave at anyone, but especially other kids. While watching the Olympics from his Musical Learning Chair, Zane likes to wave back at the ice skaters as they wave to the camera!! It seriously is the cutest thing ever... we should hire a camera crew to document all the cuteness. He's so friendly and outgoing, I hope that's a quality he never loses... especially since not everyone is as friendly back. So if you're ever out and about and see a cute kid waving in your general direction-- wave back! Even if you're not the intended target I'm sure it'll make the kid smile.

What's the definition of you?

It's been weird changing my name over the last 2 months. I've been a Fuller for almost 23 years and a Thomason for only 2 months, so when it comes time to sign something I have to take a significant pause and consider which name to use. It's pretty confusing and has cost more trees than I'd like to admit, but overall, I think I'm getting used to it and hopefully the bill/mail/DMV, etc places will all get used to it soon too! In the spirit of changing my name, here's a fun on-line quiz about what definition would be in the dictionary next to your name (old or new!)

Emily Thomason --

Visually addictive

'How" will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

haha, I think that's a stretch! But at least the definition of my new last name is an improvement over my maiden name....

Emily Fuller --

A person of questionable sanity who starts their own cult

'How" will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

Want to join my cult?!! I'll call it the League of Karaoke Stars! Send me a $100 application fee and your firstborn child ;)

Thursday, February 09, 2006

funny stuff!

you should check out the "Chronic (what?!) les of Narnia" video clip from SNL

If you're in the mood to waste a little time whilst giggling...

then boy do I have the website for you! While procrastinating this evening, I stumbled across I dare you to look at it and not laugh. I might be purchasing all of their t-shirts tonight. I have my eye on a cute navy tee that says "karaoke champion Tokyo 1987" with the silhouette of a crazy bouffant hair-do singing man... it's a must have! (you should look it up under winter wear, then long-sleeves). Why didn't I come up with this business idea?! Let me know what your favorites are!