Thursday, August 23, 2007

Our first appointment!!!

So here's all the information on our first visit to the OB doctor...

First of all, let me say I really like my doctor and her office staff, they're all really friendly and seem to be genuinely excited with you and for you! The major highlight was the sonogram!!! We got to see our little peanut floating around AND the best part was getting to see his/her heart beating! It was amazing, and still feels a little unreal, just because of the small scale and since I can't really feel anything yet, other than my evening/night sickness :).

The doctor took some measurements and determined the new and improved due date of March 25th! Which is actually perfect... as long as the baby holds on and doesn't come too early, I should be able to graduate without having to make up anything. That means we would have three months of nothing but learning how to be a mom and dad (and figuring out all that residency stuff, while house hunting and moving) BUT at least we won't have to worry about work for a little bit.

The doctor says everything looks like it should, so we were relieved! If you notice the visual aide... you'll see the little peanut inside the larger black peanut... that's the baby!!! The black part is my uterus/womb (hope that's not TMI). The appointment was the highlight of my week, however it came between taking our COMLEX step 2 on Monday and then the USMLE step 2 on Friday... I have a feeling I probably didn't test to my full potential, I was pretty distracted. And for the USMLE 2, I ran into some evening sickness issues because our test started later. Oh well, we prayed about it a lot, so I hope the results aren't too embarassing!!

I'll have an appointment every 4 weeks up until the third trimester and then it will be every 2 weeks... I guess that's about all for now. Thanks for stopping by... and stay classy!

Monday, August 13, 2007

One test down...

And one to go. Thanks to everyone who said a puke-free prayer for me... all the prayers definitely worked, I had no nausea during the test AT ALL, it truly was a miracle because this last week has not been pretty. The test went OK... I of course wish I'd had more "feel good" time this last week so that studying was actually productive, but overall I feel like I knew enough to make good choices on the test (at least I think I knew...).

Oh well, one more to go on Friday. All I can think about right now is our first appointment on Wednesday!! I had so many questions on the test about things going wrong during pregnancies that I was starting to get a little worried about my own, so being able to see the little one on the ultrasound will make me feel much better :) That's all for now. We're taking tonight off before we hit the books again for test #2! Peace out.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Testing and puking, never a good combination...

We're taking the COMLEX tomorrow morning at 8am... I'm a little nervous. Mostly because my morning sickness has been pretty hanous this week. I'm praying for a reprieve between the hours of 8am and 4pm so that I'm able to focus on taking the test and not simulatenously trying to answer questions while stifling gagging!! I'm sure my fellow test takers would appreciate it as well :) I have our church and my parents' church on prayer patrol, but I would appreciate ANY extra assistance!

Then, the highlight of our week, is on Wednesday when we have our first OB appointment... we'll finally get to see our little peanut!! Then we're headed to Abilene to take the USMLE on Friday... so it should be a pretty busy week. That's all for now, I'm off to look at some cram pages before we head to Dallas!