Friday, January 27, 2006

Name that tune!

This is from an old Russian friend, Mary Louise's blog!

1. Go to your iTunes playlist - or whatever's on your computer.
2. Hit shuffle.
3. Choose the first 13 songs - YOU CANNOT SKIP ONE. If it's embarrassing you just have to live with it.
4. With those 13 songs you must post your favorite lyric from each of the songs.
5. See if anybody can guess what songs they are from. If they are guessed you can cross them out. Try to get rid of all of them. Have fun!

1. "You call someplace paradise, kiss it goodbye "
2. "You left your smell You left your taste You left me here with my mistakes"
3. "there is more that rises in the morning than the sun"
4. "if you're sleepin are you dreamin and if you're dreamin are you dreamin of me"
5. "I am nothing but a breath and you're nothing but a lie"
6. "Now watch me rise up and leave all the ashes you made out of me"
7. "You'll be my vacation away from this place"
8. "It's time to try anything to be with you"
9. "And in a white sea of eyes I see one pair that I recognize"
10. "I only live for today, but I'm one day behind"
11. "I'm not what you want, I'm not anyone"
12. "You may be from Venus, but I'm definately not from Mars"
13. "We're different now than when we started"

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Someday all the good things will not fade away...

I read a post on Andrew Osenga (formerly the Normals frontman) that I really liked. I think I like it so much because he is a much more articulate thinker and writer than I am... so I'm stealing it! He verbalizes well the times when you suddenly remember childhood days or any nostalgic time, event or place in your life. It strikes me most often when I'm driving around, especially in the evenings on those "perfect" days, and somehow it reminds me of being a kid and riding my bike (listening to my walkman of course) around the neighborhood until it was dinner time (or too dark to ride)... or something like that. It's not even that definite a feeling or memory but the emotion is somehow the same... if you know what I mean! I'll let Andy describe it better...

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Which Superhero are you?

Your results:
You are Superman-- You are mild-mannered, good, strong and you love to help others

Superman 90%
Spider-Man 90%
Supergirl 67%
Robin 67%
The Flash 60%
Green Lantern 55%
Wonder Woman 52%
Iron Man 50%
Hulk 35%
Catwoman 35%
Batman 30%
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Friday, January 13, 2006

Zane is only one year old and is already constantly on the phone... hope Eileen is already saving up for the cell phone bills! Posted by Picasa

Stephen reeling me in at Heather and Alex's wedding reception! We're pretty smooth dancers. Posted by Picasa

Mystery song... Calling all music lovers!

While in Costa Maya, we had to take a bus to the private beach to swim with the dolphins... on the way there, the bus driver and/or radio was playing some groovin' tunes. They played a couple of songs in a row that sounded like they were by The Outfield. One of the songs I'd never heard but it sounded vaguely like the Outfield followed by two Outfield songs that I'd heard before.... which makes me think the first song was by them too. I've googled and can't find much. The song was upbeat, made you want to dance, but in an old school, 80s or 50s sort of way. There was also a driving piano behind everyhthing. Since we were on vacation all the notebooks were left at home, so all I have is a memory that's a month old! It went something like "baby ya, you got me on my knees, beggin' darlin' please." (but my memory of the mystery song and Layla may be merging!) The lyrics were pretty generic, but I loved the feel of the song! If anyone has ever heard of this song or finds any leads, let me know!