Saturday, April 29, 2006

I'm in love...

...with a stripper, she ridin' ...(whoa, jk, it's just a really catchy song that gets stuck in my head way too much). I'm not only in love with my sweet, adorable husband but also with the Vespa Granturismo. That's right folks, I want a cute scooter to drive around town! Although, I'm sure I'd end up getting some shade of blue instead (surprise, surprise)!

Perhaps this love affair began when I fell in love with the movie "Roman Holiday" starring two of my favorites, Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck! (I didn't even realize that they were driving an actualy Vespa until I did some research.) I've always seen adorable scooters randomly parked on a sidewalk or something and wondered what kind of carefree, fun life it's driver must lead. Probably an idealized and naive notion, but still it makes me happy to think that perhaps one day I too will be able to zoom around the Colliseum and the rest of Rome and beyond on a Vespa, with a tall dark handsome guy (who I happen to already be married to, which is very helpful... I already know how the love story ends!) I asked Stephen if I could go to the Vespa dealership in Dallas for my birthday to do a test drive... yet another reason I can't wait for June!

The beautiful weather lately has intensified the desire to go for drives with a little less material between the sunshine, breeze and me! And after much googling, I actually found a contest to win a Vespa!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that one day I'll own one, and perhaps even get it for free... oh, wishful thinking, not holding my breath. I think this post would definitely be filed under the "rambling" category of my blog... sorry about that! I hope you've enjoyed looking at the pretty scooter :) Peace out.

Monday, April 24, 2006


I went to my first playoff game last night! I've been excited about it all weekend and had such a wonderful time, I'm so glad people were willing to go with me. We got the tickets off the Mavericks Trading Post website, so they were actually pretty cheap for playoff tickets (I'm assuming)... I have a feeling that as the Mavericks progress through subsequent rounds that the prices will be quite a bit higher, which is why this is probably my only playoff experience until I actually have a real job someday. *single tear* I had such a great time and couldn't have gone with a better group... everyone else was as loud or louder than me, so I didn't feel like a crazy! And what a great game! I was low-tech last night and took pictures with my old school camera, with film and everything. So the posting of the pictures will be somewhat delayed... That's all for now!

Monday, April 17, 2006

I need your help!

So I'm applying to be on Deal or No Deal... I love that show!! And I really wouldn't mind having even $1,000 more than I do... although being able to pay off all of our massive school loans would be awesome as well! So the application asks some pretty tough questions, like...

What would your friends say are your best qualities?

What would your friends say are your worst qualities? (It's ok to answer, we'll still be friends!)

How are you competetive in every day life?

What is the most daring and dangerous thing you have ever done? (although, I'm afraid any "stalking" references might hurt my chances of actually getting on the show)

If you were going to be in People magazine, what inside info about you would be put up next to the picture?

Who is the most important person in your life that you have lost touch with?
...I'm REALLY stumped by this, because any one that I can think of has died, so is that really "losing touch"??

What is the weirdest thing about you?

Describe your most embarrassing moment.
**I KNOW y'all can come up with a ton of these!!

Seriously, I would appreciate any and all input... so DO IT!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Some belated honeymoon pictures...

Since I didn't do anything remotely like vacation over Spring Break (I had to do a preceptorship most of the week) I thought I'd post some pictures from my last vacation along the sunny Mexican coast! And of course, there's a most recent Zane picture at the end! I hope this finds you all well. Now, back to studying, we have a final on Monday that I'm under-prepared for :)

The formal night on our cruise. Posted by Picasa

This was another favorite part... sitting on the beach, soaking up the sun and scenery! We were on a beautiful, private beach and got all the free cokes we wanted, aka paradise. Posted by Picasa

These were smart Mayans... look at the view! Posted by Picasa

Some of the impressive Mayan ruins we saw at Tulum. Posted by Picasa

Cute Zane mugging for the camera... he saw the camera and was trying to smile! Posted by Picasa