Sunday, November 25, 2007

A photographic update...

Here's the baby belly at 23 weeks... starting to look more pregnant, I think! What's funny is, that the size of my belly can change quite a bit in the course of even one day. I haven't figured out if it's something to do with Baby T's position (as if he's hiding out near my spine sometimes or then "floating" out near the surface), or what I've eaten, etc.
It's funny to wake up and realize that I'm finally starting to really fill out the maternity belly panel in my pants but then later that day, my belly will "shrink" (for lack of a better term) and I have to start pulling up on my pants almost constantly again. It definitely keeps life interesting!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Baby T sighting!

So on Friday (after my interview) I got a quick, free sonogram from a tech who had some free time and was missing baby sonograms!! It was nice to have a GIRL doing it this time because she took lots of time to look at his face. It was so crazy to see him kicking and punching with his arms and simultaneously feeling it... I must say feeling a baby move has been one of the crazier experiences of my life; I'm still not used to it! I'm sure people think I'm a freak when it looks like I'm just zoning out and holding my stomach.... but it's still so new and exciting, that it's hard for me to ignore, even though it happens all day. It's kind of fun knowing that my little boy and I are the only ones aware of our subtle "communication"!

During the sonogram, my sister decided that Baby T looks like Stephen (which is what I'm rooting for). I was just so excited to be able to see him that I couldn't think about too much, other than I was so happy to know that everything was OK. He was so adorable, yawning, sticking his tongue out (we think) and doing baby tae-bo! Unfortunately, the very nice sono lady was unable to print pictures because it was broken, but just seeing my little guy made it the best day ever :)

My doctor told me at my last appointment that I'll need to get another sonogram after Christmas because they didn't get as good a look at the baby's heart as they would've liked. At first, all they said was that I needed another sonogram... which made my heart sink, because I was afraid that something was wrong with the baby. But when they explained that they just needed more views, I felt much better... and at the same time, annoyed with the guy who went through all the motions so quickly, that apparently he didn't get all the pictures needed (including the obligatory profile pictures I wanted)! However, I can't be too angry, it's another chance to check-in on Baby T and it will be a WONDERFUL belated Christmas present! I'm just hoping a girl is there to do it this time, or I might have to get sassy with the guy and request sweet pictures ;)

That's it for now, I have to get back to packing for San Antonio. I leave tomorrow for four weeks on my last away rotation. I'm SO sad to leave, of course, but it will be nice to get a better idea of what residency is like down there as well as what the city is like. So if anyone is in that area between now and the next four weeks, you MUST look me up because I'm sure I'll need the company :)

Friday, November 16, 2007

21 weeks (almost 22)...

"Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long — the length of a carrot. If you're having a girl, her vagina is formed now, though it will continue to develop until birth. Your baby is really on the move now. Fetal researchers say babies move about 50 times an hour even while sleeping. All that movement helps stimulate your baby's physical and mental development. You may not notice 50 kicks, punches, and twirls during the day, but as you're settling down at night, don't be surprised if your little guy seems ready to dance the night away. " Courtesy of Baby Center

Baby T is definitely on the move these days!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

One interview down...

Stephen and I both had our Temple (A&M) interviews on Thursday. We really enjoyed all the residents we met and both had great interview experiences... all of the people there seem genuinely happy to be there, which is a great thing to see! We still have many more interviews to go but it's nice to have one under my belt.

I also got to test out my "maternity power suit"... which is really just some slacks and a nice blouse, since I refuse to spend hundreds of dollars on a real maternity suit. I'm hoping the programs I'm interviewing will see this as sensible rather than lazy or sloppy! That's the quick update from us...

Saturday, November 03, 2007

A milestone...

Today marks the halfway point in the pregnancy! I can't believe it's already halfway over... it's unbelievable how quickly it's gone by, and yet I can't wait for the end result to be in my arms :) Funny that I'm so impatient... because I'm sure in little to no time I'll be wondering how it can be that our little boy isn't a baby anymore. I really am trying to make a conscious effort to try and take everything in and really appreciate the miracle while it is going on. For some reason, it reminds me of Mary when Jesus was born, "But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart" Luke 2:19. I'd like to be more "ponderous" and reflective instead of just looking ahead to each new milestone... I'm afraid I might miss too many important lessons and moments if I'm in too much of a hurry! (Not to say that I'm remotely like Mary but I think there's a universal "mother principle" which applies :)

Also, I think I've experienced what is called "quickening" which is the first movements of the baby that you can actually feel. They've been pretty subtle thus far and sometimes hard to distinguish from digestion, but it's exciting every time I think it is him :) That's about it for now, just a quick update to mark this big day!